Geförderte Partner
9 Partner erhalten im Umfang von insgesamt 133000 Euro Förderung.
Union des Russophones de France
Russische Schule in Paris
For the 4th consecutive year the French Union of Russian Speakers (Union des Russophones de France) is carrying out projects aimed at developing bilingualism in young children. Over the years the URF has acquired a wide range of experience in the teaching of languages through the creative arts (various forms of drama, dance and drawing taught at summer camps) and by means of specific pedagogical methods designed to develop independent thinking in children.

It has experience in training teachers who emigrated from the former USSR.
An exchange of acquired experience in these areas would be helpful in establishing future partnership.
2007 – Sokrates, 135824-2007-DE-KA2-KA2MP - Language for Integration and Global Human Tolerance (LIGHT)
2008 – Grundtvig, 2008-1-FR1-GRU06-00262 1 - Integration des migrants russophones
2009 – Leonardo, 2009-1-AT1-LEO04-01501 6 - To lern from each other (LEO)

The first specialist Russian Language Saturday School for bilingual Russian-English children in the UK. On completion of their education these young people will possess extremely valuable bilingual skills. The school offers an exceptionally high standard of tuition. Russian Language, Literature and History are taught to GCSE and A-Level, but pupils attain proficiency well above those levels, up to native-speaker standard (possibly equivalent to a Higher Degree in some aspects).
The School was founded in January 1998. Over 20 highly experienced native Russian teachers (at least three with a Dr. degree) work with pupils in small groups. Teachers use an individual approach to the children. Progress of each pupil is monitored. We hold termly consultations with parents and provide end-of-year school reports. The School is a member of the International Association of Russian Schools and Cultural Societies – “Eurolog”, and holds a Cup and a Diploma from the Department for Education of the Russian Federation “Best Russian School Abroad-2005″

Universität- und Hansestadt Greifswald: Amt für Jugend, Soziales und Familie
In the municipality Greifswald youth and social welfare are perceived in a common department for youth, social and family. In the youth welfare the department is advocating the interests and needs of children, youngsters, young adults and families. The spectrum of the problems encloses, for example the supply of childcare places in the day care, day nursery. In our work many NGO´s dedicated to youth welfare support us. At the moment approx. 260 employees look after more than 1000 children in 15 kindergartens. In it´s kindergartens many children with migration background from the CIS are served which is a group with special learning needs. The office for youth, social and family of the city of Greifswald in 2011 initiated an internal program which intends a conceptual advancement of municipal kindergartens. Therefore in 5 kindergartens with a high percentage of migrant's children a new working program for education of bilingual children will be introduced. As this contains e.g. linguistic support, set up crosscultural teams..., it is necessary to carry out structural change in the allocating HR and professional education planning.
Association RusSchool was established in 2005 in response to an increased interest in Russian language and culture. Since then, the association became a broad band educational platform of (informal) education. It offers language training for mixed-age audiences, trainings for educators and for different socio-cultural groups.
We have a broad European network which provide our teachers an opportunity to exchange their experience and raise a quality of teaching.
RusSchool is involved in educational projects, experienced professionals work with Russian companies, as well as relocated people, for which courses and cultural activities are means of social integration.
RusSchool has been always paying attention to the integration issues of Russian-speaking migrants. This work aims at teaching Duth language, providing legal and translation assistance, organizing expositions, meetings and leisure for the pupils.
Together with our partners, RusSchool have created the interactive course for studying Dutch remotely.
From 2009 until 2011 RusSchool has been involved in European project with the objective to create training manual in Russian language.
Having a very big experience in the communication and a broad network, RusSchool will load with the providing of acquaintance with methodology and experience of teaching of bilingual children to Russian at schools of additional education in Holland and communication of the news on the project in the mass medium through Internet and several social networks.
The organisation is also involved and participated in the following LLP actions:
Visits and exchanges- 2011-1-NL1-GRU12-06688 -Seminar for teachers "Russian as the mother tongue"
In-service training course- 2011-2-NL1-GRU03-05775 - Teaching Russian in Europe: Development of Creativity and Thinking Skills of Learners

HOLLAND: vereniging RusSchool
Weltsprachen is a private language institute in Vienna, Austria, established in 2005, which provides language trainings for professionals and courses for unemployed persons and migrants in order to improve their language skills essential for professional use. Our institute is an external centre for exams according to the Austrian Language Certificate (OESD) and is certified by the Austrian Integration Fund (OEIF) for language courses for migrants - beginning from their literacy - as well.

Our duty in the project is to work on the professional dimension of the language training: cooperating closely with the Austrian employment agency (AMS), we're dedicated to develop solutions for qualifying unemployed migrants in terms of their sustainable bi-lingual and social integration and inclusion. We also provide a network of dissemination in other European countries in order to adapt the results to other European languages. Bottom line: Weltsprachen offers a wide range of language courses - both for private entities & public authorities - with a focus on natural bilingualism. For this purpose we host teachers' seminars in our own hostel in the province of Styria (South-Eastern Austria).

SCHWEDEN: Rysk-svenska KF i Göteborg
Rysk-svenska KF i Göteborg is a NGO of Russian migrants. It promotes Russian culture and language in Göteborg area. It is also a organisation of Russian teachers in schools. As in Sweden children have the right to be educated in their mothertongue, more than 300 russian teachers working in government schools in Sweden. Therefore they are having a large experience in working with bilinguals. The topic of Rysk-svenska KF will be integration of mothertongue lessons in primary classes.
SCHWEIZ: Universität Sankt-Gallen
The Department of Russian Society and Culture, School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS-HSG), focuses on current phenomena in Russia, Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region in its teaching and research.
The department is represented by Dr Elena Denisova-Schmidt, a specialist in the area of foreign language pedagogy. She has published several language textbooks and dictionaries, and serves as a co-editor of the AATSEEL Newsletter (the publishing organ of American Association of Teachers of Slavic and Eastern European Languages, USA).
Switzerland – a multilingual country per se – supports the maintenance of heritage languages. This contributes to the learning of the state languages and thus furthers quick integration into Swiss society; moreover, this advances the study of other foreign languages and increases employability. HSK lessons (Unterricht in heimatlicher Sprache und Kultur, Engl.: Teaching heritage language and culture) is one of the tools used for this purpose. This innovation might be useful for other European countries as well.
Assoziierte Partner
Activity Center for Children and Young People
”M U L T I T O W N”
Vester Voldgade 11, 1552 Copenhagen, Denmark,
M U L T I =T O W N is a voluntary organisation offering with the general objectives - to prepare children and young people for life in a multicultural environment. This is weekend and holiday activities: language development, interest development, psychology courses, integrated cultural understanding, dialogue, puppet theaters, chess, International Summer Camps.
Multi-town organizes workshops for teachers professional development for the working with bilingual/multilingual and bicultural/multicultural children.
Multi-town offers the pedagogical counseling and support to families with children, guidance for parents on parenting children who grew up in two- or more cultures, providing them with workshops and joint projects with the children.

DÄNEMARK: Activity Center for Children and Young People ”M U L T I T O W N”
The processes of globalization and economic integration has a direct impact on the willingness of people to migrate to other Countries. Democratization has strengthened in the population the sense of European integration and identity, the desire to become part of the European process. Due to the migration process, the European Countries are becoming increasingly multilanguage. In the first place stands the question of integration policies, taking into account the conservation of other native language and culture.
There is a need to develop the concept of bilingual education. The education of bilingual children is complicated by a lack of common approaches to bilingual education and systematic training of teachers working with natural bilingual, considering their age characteristics (psychology, social adaptation, language difficulties).
The School of Russian Language and Culture I.Turgenev, that operates within the Chernobyl2000 "ONLUS Association, a volunteer organization, is an Italian-Russian educational and recreational center working on this problem. Our teachers use traditional lectures with a specifically designed elaborated program created by themselves and by working groups specialy for bilingual children.
Natural bilinguals are different from monolanguage people due to their psychological features (different development stages in connection with the presence of two national cultures, including those manifested in the two native languages), social features (different environments and their place in the world), and other language difficulties (to be approached with speech therapy, listening). Bilingulism could be lost using a the wrong training.

ITALIEN: Chernobyl 2000 O.N.L.U.S.
For teachers that work with bilingual children and teenagers the opportunity of a bilingual professional development is very limited. This project aims at improving the professional qualification of these teachers that is required today in Europe. Developing thinking skills of bilingual children and teenagers, will be a priority not only at national level but also at the European one.
Our goals are:
• issues relating to the use of didactical materials;
• strengthening the activities of each student through the awakening of his intellectual curiosity & motivation;
• maintaining communication between life and teaching practice;
• implementation of a personal approach to the creative development of each individual;
• work on the maintenance and growth of the values of bilingulism

Our non government and non profit organisation "Association of Russian-speaking people "Kalinka" was established 24th of September 2007. The main aim of the forming was to bring together members of the Russian minority in the Croatia, assist in the integration, but also in the preservation of identity, to empower, increase self-awareness and employability of Russian people.
Our association is established to achieve the following objectives: to preserve the national identity of Russians in Croatia, to gather and organize Russian speaking people: women, children and youth; to develop and promote Russian language and culture; to encourage all forms of cultural activity and
creativity; to teach and learn the Russian language as a second native language; to promote Russian language between local population; to help Russian women to exercise of rights guaranteed by the Croatian laws and rights that come from international acts and apply to the rights of people, national
minorities, women; to cooperate with state bodies organizations, educational institutions and other human rights, ethical, minority and women organizations to promote and improve international relations, to integrate into the society, to empower, increase self-awareness and employability of Russian people abroad.
“Raduga” is a non-profit organization, the cultural association which was established in Barcelona on November 2009 (officially). But by that time we had been developing different cultural activities for some years.
Our main goal was to unite the Russian-speaking people and to create the space for our children when they could learn Russian and to know Russian traditions and history.
We have founded a Russian School for the children from 3 till 16 years old. Every Saturday we give Russian classes to more than one hundred boys and girls from Russian, mixed and Spanish families.
So we treat with multilingual pupils as in Barcelona we have two official languages: Spanish and Catalonian.
We also promote our language and traditions among the Spanish population giving courses for our “Spanish parents”, organizing concerts, exhibitions and festivals.
Our slogan is to keep Russian language among as more people as possible and to educate our children in the atmosphere of opened mentality, freedom and multiculture.
Natalia Loskutova
Missions of ICI KLIC: Russian language and culture promotion, and also the Czech language and culture abroad, support of development of the international relations of children, youth and other citizens in their activity in various areas of the culture, education and sports, cooperation in learning of foreign languages in Czech Republic, supporting Czech, Russian and other schools and higher education schools in the organization of an exchange actions, with Czech and foreign partners, activity within the European cultural integration and multicultural dialogue, etc.
ICI’s traditional actions: Participation in the European day of languages, Russian competitions «Time to speak Russian!», pedagogical seminars for teachers and parents of children-bilinguals «Let's help children to study!», the organization of student's exchanges, the Russian-Czech Project «We live and we study in Czech Republic», seminars for teachers of RKI from the northeast part of Czech Republic.