Common Reference Levels of the CEFR

The levels are:

A: Basic language use (A1, A2)

B: Independent language use (B1, B2)

C: Proficient language use (C1, C2)

The levels of our language courses are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The following links describe the learning objectives in all language activities and at all levels of the CEFR (receptive: listening, reading; productive: speaking in monologue/dialogue, writing):


Description of the common reference levels:

Common European Framework of Reference (Global Scale):

Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues:

Terms according to the Common European      
Framework of Reference (CEFR) Terms according to UNIcert® English descriptions Workload
A1   Elementary Level 4-8 contact hours per week / 150 or 300 hours in total
A2 Basis Pre-Intermediate Level 4-8 contact hours per week / 150 or 300 hours in total
B1 Level I Intermediate Level 8 contact hours per week / 300 hours in total
B2 Level II Upper-Intermediate Level 8 contact hours per week / 300 hours in total
C1 Level III Advanced Level 8 contact hours per week / 300 hours in total