Computer Room
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3, Room 1.12
Opening hours

During the semester: Monday - Friday: 10.00 a.m. - 18.00 p.m.
During the lecture-free period: Monday - Friday: 12.00 a.m. - 18.00 p.m.
Terms of use of the computer room
- During opening hours, students and staff at the University of Greifswald may use the computer room free of charge. Upon request, external persons may be granted permission to use the facility if there are spare places in the room or no member of the University of Greifswald claims right to use the equipment.
- Students must register for use with the supervising member of staff, present their student ID and sign the registration list indicating the times they plan to use the computer room. By signing the registration list, the user acknowledges compliance with the terms of use.
- Computer room users are permitted use of the shared local and network-based storage media. Each user is responsible for backing up session data to their own storage devices. There is no entitlement to the storage of data following the end of the session. No liability is assumed in the event of technical problems leading to data loss. It is prohibited to store content that violates law, copyright law or data protection regulations on the facility’s storage media. Such violations will result in legal action.
- As a general principle, installing and deleting software is prohibited. If other software is required, consult the administrator in charge.
- Damage to hardware and software, including the theft of parts, is prohibited and will result in legal action.
- The use of unlicensed software in the computer room is prohibited.
- Any violation of copyright law and copyright is prohibited.
- The use of services such as printing etc. is subject to the University of Greifswald’s Gebührenordnung (fee regulations).
- It is prohibited to access websites with anti-constitutional or illegal content (pornography, human trafficking, racism, radicalism, etc.).
- No food or drink may be consumed in the computer room (those who wish to eat may do so in the hallway.). All kinds of alcohol consumption are prohibited in the computer room.
- Personal belongings left in the computer room will be kept in the Language Centre’s office for 7 days and then taken to the University's lost property office.
- In case of repeated violation of the terms of use, the user will be banned from the premises.
Information about printing credit
- Printing credit and cafeteria credit are not the same.
- Printing credit can be recharged directly at the Language Centre's computer room.
- A minimum of €1 must be charged and it is only possible to charge round amounts.
- Usually, no change will be provided.
During the computer room’s opening hours, our student assistants are available for consultations on language learning and technical questions.
For comments and requests
please contact:
Tel.: +49 3834 420 3476

Network operating system
MS Win 2003 Server
PC operating system
- Scanner (LC: A4, A3, slide, document scanner A4; LL 2 only A4)
- Tape recorder
- Video- and MiniDV-Recorder
- Projector
- Webcam and headset at all workstations
- Laser printer (b/w, A4)
- Colour laser printer (A4 and A3)
- Plotter (roll 90 cm wide - A0)
Application software
- ADOBE Photoshop CS 5
- ADOBE Indesign CS 5
- ADOBE Illustrator CS 5
- ADOBE Acrobat 8
- Video editing:
- ADOBE Premiere Pro 3
- TMpeg
- Video Capture
- Ulead Movie Factory
- Sound editing: Steinberg Wave Lab, Audacity
- MS Office 2007 (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
- Openoffice
Language software
In our computer room, you will find programmes for editing multimedia, i.e. for digital photo, sound and video editing, as well as an extensive range of language learning software for English, French, Italian, Polish, Swedish and Spanish.
List of installed language programmes at the computer room [de]