Writing Competence

Use the self-service portal of the university.
The course is offered each semester and includes the examination at the end.
The course lasts one semester and comprises a workload of 150 hours. If you opt for this module, please register for both the lecture and seminar group.
You will find that information on the homepage of the Language Centre.
Bad Luck. Can’t help it.
Please, inform your teacher by email. Give your name and seminar group number, check the minutes and enquire about homework.
For the lecture, it is 30 contact hours + 30 hours of individual studies.
For the seminar, it is 30 contact hours + 60 hours of individual studies.
Even though the course takes place once in a fortnight, work regularly every week.
For example, if there is a class on Thursday from 13.30 till 17.30, you should use the
same time slot for your individual studies in the following week and so on. This way
you will have managed already half of the workload you are supposed to do.
Soon after the lecture, you should have another look at your notes, edit and save them in an appropriate form. Check whether you have understood the essentials and summarise them in your own words. Should you still have questions, feel free to raise them in class. Do also read the recommended literature. You’ll need all that in the final examination.